Friday, May 31, 2019
Sexual Orientation and Body Image Dysmorphia :: Sexuality Homosexuality Essays
Sexual Orientation and Body Image Dysmorphia Recent research has concluded that familiar orientation, in both men and women, may play a significant role in the feelings of dissatisfaction of ones physical appearance and the development and onset of disordered eating habits. Numerous studies watch found that homosexual men have a higher likelihood of being more dissatisfied with their overall physical appearance. It is not so shed light on for homosexual women. In this paper I will review a number of published research article and try to more clearly condone the contrasting results about homosexual women.ADOLESCENT SEXUAL ORIENTATIONAlthough most of the studies look at an adult population, a think by French, Story, Remafedi, and Resnik, examined the effects of sexual orientation on an adolescent population. In their study they looked at a population based sample of about 35,000 students between the grades of seven and twelve. Each of these students spotless a survey that asked questions about sexual orientation, body satisfaction, and different weight control measures. The final report included the findings from 212 heterosexual males and 182 heterosexual females for comparison with 81 self- identifying homosexual males and 38 self- identifying homosexual females, and 131 bisexual males and 144 bisexual females.They discovered that homosexual males were much more believably than heterosexual males to report having a little body image (27.8% to 12%) and admit to frequent dieting (8.9% to 5.5%), binge eating (25.0% to 10.6%), or purging (11.7% to 4.4%). On the other side, homosexual females were more likely than heterosexual females to report that they were happy with the way that they looked (42.1% to 20.5%). Interestingly though, homosexual and heterosexual females were about equally as likely to diet, participate in binge eating, and concern in purging.PROBLEMS WITH STUDYAlthough the study seems to be appropriate, one must be wary about looking at a s tudy, which was conducted through the use of surveys. This is specially true when you are asking adolescents questions that deal with sexuality. It is possible that an adolescents embarrassment could be a factor in the answering of the questions. Social stereotypes could slowly influence a heterosexual male to answer positively to questions about his body image because body angst is usually associated as a female behavior.This study is important to research on this topic because it shows that from the beginning of sexual orientation decisions, eating habits are a priority to some. Finicky and disordered eating problems are not something that develops later in life.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Traffic Signal/Road Marking Detection and Processing :: Driving Traffic Signals Argumentative Essays
Traffic Signal/Road Marking Detection and ProcessingHumans have visual cues that they naturally use to perceive their question through the environment. There are numerous human factors that are associated with being able to navigate a vehicle safely while adhering to signal lights, signs and former(a) traffic road markings. There needs to be vast improvement in the way that development is presented to drivers for many reasons. One example is that the placing of the sun during a particular part of the day prohibits one from distinguishing whether a traffic light is green or red. The elderly have difficulties reading certain signs or differentiating among the ruse of signal lights, even with their glasses on. Most everyone has less visual acuity at night and certain road markings or traffic lights are harder to perceive. vividness blind people cant always tell the difference between a red light and a green light, and they may alike have a hard time seeing brake lights, blinkers, e tc. All of the situations mentioned above can lead to serious fatal accidents. Extensive inquiry in this area has been conducted for many years and is still going on today.Driving is a complex task which involves a variety of interactive correspond and serial processes that depend on various visual functions. Vision plays a vital role in safe, proficient tearaway(a) even though on that point are other sensory and motor systems that are used in driving. It has been estimated that 90% of the information used in driving is visual and that visual information alone might be sufficient for safe driving (Fox, 1997). Beyond these general statements, it has been difficult to determine what specific visual skills are used for driving that are important.Safe and efficient driving is a matter of perceptual-motor sensitivity to perceptual laws of locomotion in a spatiotemporal field (Fox, 1997). Specifically, the driver essential be aware of two fields (1) the field of safe travel and (2) t he minimum stopping zone. The field of safe travel refers to a field contact by actual and potential obstacles to locomotion. The minimum stopping zone refers to a field that is determined by variables like speed, visual/road conditions, etc. gondola car crashes occur when another car or stationary object is not perceived accurately. In order to guide a vehicle, the driver must (1) gyp important sensory information from the environment, (2) process this information accordingly to complete visuospatial tasks and (3) act accordingly to achieve task goals.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Olivia Shaw Essay -- English Literature
Plot and Sub-PlotA Streetcar Named Desire========================The main plot in A Streetcar Named Desire is any based around thecharacter Blanche DuBois and the never-ending downfall of her life.The play opens with Blanche arriving in young Orleans where she has cometo find and stay with her sister Stella. Stella lives in an flatcarwith her controlling husband Stanley, when Blanche sees the apartmentwhich she stays she cannot believe her sister lives in such a place.Blanche and Stella greet each with passion but before vast Blanchebecomes irritable. Blanche has bad news and tells Stella she has losttheyre old home Belle Reve Blanche says to Stella its her faultand her leaving was the reason they lost their home. This gets Stellaupset so she goes to the bathroom. While she is in that location Stanley comeshome, he gives Blanche a frank stare and they have an awkwardconversation, we find out Blanche had a husband who died when theywere both very young. Stanley is common and roug h compared to Blanchewho is delicate. Stanley is a very sexual man and sex is part of whatmakes him tick. His appraisal of women is frank and straightforward.It becomes obvious that the sexual bond between Stanley and Stella isintense, and that this is what keeps their relationship going. Stellatells Stanley most the loss of Belle Reve and Stanley thinksBlanche has profited from this and goes with her things. WhenStanley routes through the letters her husband had written this makesBlanche angry and also brings back memories of her past. That nightStanley has his friends round for a poker game and this is whereBlanche first meets Mitch they talk about things they have in commonand she tells him she is ... ...l ingredients to a play. A play shouldbe about one character, in A Streetcar Named Desire, Tennessee usedBlanche, the sad heroin the protagonist he based his play aroundBlanches character. A play should be set in one place Tennessee usedNew Orleans, with the play begin set in one place this increased thetension, be more intense so more confrontations would occur if therewas no where else to escape to. For Blanches character New Orleansbecomes a trap. Aristotle also said A play should be set over a 24hr diaphragm Tennessee didnt use this ingredient in his play because weneeded time for Stellas pregnancy to develop and cause more conflict.We needed to see Blanche and Mitchs relationship develop and unfold.Also Blanches mental state needed time to deteriorate so we wouldntfeel so shocked when she was taken by by the nurse and doctor.
Optimal Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Detection Essay -- Technology
IntroductionThe Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is a microwave active imagery form that has been largely used due to its possibility of day-and-night operation in all weather conditions. The SAR system generates images by the coherent processing of the scattering signals this results in a scene texture that has an undesired multiplicative speckled noise, drastically reduces the ability to distinguish the features of the classes 1. The rejection of the speckle noise motivated many works where ANN algorithms develop been applied to SAR imagery classification 2345. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) algorithms have been increasingly applied to remote sensing for image classification in the destruction years 6789.SAR images have found many applications in the field of Automatic Target Recognition (ATR). Target detection is a signal processing hassle whereby one attempts to detect a stationary target embedded in background clutter while minimizing the false alarm probability. The rapid i ncrease of ANN applications in remote sensing imagery classification is mainly due to their ability to perform equally or more accurately than other classification techniques 10. In a general way, the major advantages of the neural network method over traditional classifiers are Easy adaptation to different types of data and input configuration, truthful incorporation of ancillary data sources, as textural information, which can be difficult or impossible with conventional techniques,Does not use or need a priori knowledge about parameters of distributions. ANN algorithms find the best nonlinear function, in the optimal case, between the input and the output data without any constraint of linearity or pre-specified nonl... ...e Galinhas, November 2002.7. J.A. Benediktsson, P.H. Swain, O.K. Ersoy, Neural Network approaches versus statistical methods in classification of multisource remote sensing data, IEEE transactions on Geoscience and. Remote Sensing, v.28, n.4, p.540-552, 1990 .8. H. Bischof, W. Schneider, A.J. Pinz, Multispectral classification of landsat-images using neural networks, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, v.30, n.3, p.482-490, 1992.9. Y. Hara, R.G. Atkins, S.H. Yueh, R.T. Shin, J.A. Kong, Application of neural networks to radar image classification, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, v.32, n.1, p.100-109, 1994.10. K.S. Chen, W.P. Huang, T.H. Tsay, F. Amar, Classification of multifrequency polarimetric SAR imagery using a impulsive learning neural network, IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, v.34, n.3, p.814-820, 1996.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Art Values Essay -- essays research papers
People from all eras have communicated what they value through art, architecture and style. This statement is obvious.The first example I will discuss is that of the ancient Egyptian society. Their society was one that was based upon death. Everything in their lives revolved around preparing themselves for the afterlife. Included in that is their paintings they contained the entire figure of the human, making sure their was no limb left(a) unseen, for fear that it would not be their in the after life. Another example of how the ancient Egyptians values were expressed through art was the unsparing funerary complexes built for their pharaohs. They were monstrous, and intended entirely to help propel the deceased pharaoh into the next life. Ancient Greece was a society of self-perceived beauty. They loved to look at themselves, specially if they were male. They male gender was perceived as perfection in that time period, and as such it should be portrayed in all of its glory, hence the no clothing policy. They sculpted, painted and created in what they believed to be perfection. They created all buildings in perfect rectangles, since they believed that rectangles were the epitome of perfection, the golden section if you will. Greek art was a portrayal of their ideals, which is why most people call this period the idealistic stage in Art history.The Romans were very much like their Greek counter parts. Romans, as a whole, loved Greek art. They enjoyed looking at it and even t...
Art Values Essay -- essays research papers
People from all eras have communicated what they value through art, computer architecture and style. This statement is obvious.The first ideal I will discuss is that of the ancient Egyptian society. Their society was one that was based upon death. Everything in their lives revolved around preparing themselves for the afterlife. include in that is their paintings they contained the entire figure of the human, making sure their was no limb left unseen, for fear that it would not be their in the after life. Another example of how the ancient Egyptians values were expressed through art was the lavish funerary complexes built for their pharaohs. They were monstrous, and intended entirely to help propel the departed pharaoh into the next life. Ancient Greece was a society of self-perceived beauty. They loved to look at themselves, especially if they were male. They male gender was perceived as everlasting(a)ion in that cartridge clip period, and as such it should be portrayed in all o f its glory, hence the no clothing policy. They sculpted, painted and created in what they believed to be perfection. They created all buildings in perfect rectangles, since they believed that rectangles were the epitome of perfection, the golden section if you will. Greek art was a portrayal of their ideals, which is why most people call this period the idealistic stage in Art history.The Romans were very much like their Greek counter parts. Romans, as a whole, loved Greek art. They enjoyed looking at it and even t...
Monday, May 27, 2019
Musical Links Investigation
Fred Kim Mr. Gillespie IB Music 12 April, 2011 Musical Links Investigation Music is a form of communication that varies distinctively among distinguishable countries just as each country has their own language. However, music does not only vary with region, but also with cadence period and the neighboring melodic cultures. To investigate how two very distinct and disparate musical cultures can be connected through their musical qualities, I will comp are the similarities and differences among romantic period and classical period music of flute.Moreover, I will focus on one instrument, flute, because I have great interest in it, and I have a lot of experience of studying and performing the instrument. In this investigation, I will focus on the compositional features found in the music such as form and structure, tone color, mood, and musical background. One of the most famous classical flute pieces is concerto in G major nary(prenominal) 1 K313 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Although it is widely known that flute was Mozarts least favorite instrument, the concerto is very beautifully written in terms of not only kind of texture and structure, but also the subtle changes in mood.The concerto is composed of three movements which each has distinct characteristics. The first movement is Allegro maestoso, second movement is slow ma non troppo and the last movement is Rondo Tempo di Mennuetto. The orchestral part includes orchestral strings, two oboes, and two horns. This sm completely in all size of orchestra play a fundamental role in emphasizing the soloist and shifting the mood and tempo of the music before the soloist comes in. The other piece that I will compare to the Concerto in G major by Mozart is Concerto in D op. 283 by Carl Reinecke.It is written in Romantic period and is composed of three movements. The first is Allegro Moderato, the second is easy e Mesto, and the third movement is Moderato. This concerto was written right before Reinecke died. Ther efore, the melody is more sensational and insightful compared to the flamboyant and joyful melodies that Mozart had created. The orchestral part includes all instruments with reduced size in each section. The first principal(prenominal) similarity that I noticed comparing the two flute concertos from two different time period was their structure. Both concertos are composed of three movements.The first is both allegro, the second is both slow and the last movement is the finale for both concertos and is dissolute and graceful. Not only from the exterior point of view, when we look at the internal structure of the pieces from each movement, can we find many similarities. Both pieces start with introducing the main(prenominal) theme and melody and expand on it by adding variations from it. Later on, from both pieces, we can see that the melodic structure falls into under a shaver chord creating a sad and solemn mood. After a little more variations on the melody and rhythm, both pi eces come to a recapitulation.Both again introducing the main theme, develops into another set of variations on the melody and rhythm which are generally more complicating and higher in notes. Another interesting factor to compare is the independence of style, ad-libs, and cadenzas. In general, Classical pieces are considered to be more confined in the way that soloists perform. They are usually rhythmically stricter than Romantic pieces. However, ad-libs, to a certain level, are allowed and are often added by famous players such as James Galway and Jean-Pierre Rampal.They add some grace notes, mordents, or trills that were not written on the score. By doing this, classical pieces provide some freedom in playing to a certain degree. Not only are that, in the Concerto in G by Mozart, there two cadenzas One in first movement and the other in the third movement. This Cadenza gave performers the chance to reveal their real abilities in both practiced and musical aspect. On the other hand, in Romantic Pieces, ad-libs are usually not allowed, which seems to give it less freedom.However, Romantic piece usually has more freedom of rhythm. Therefore, performers of the Reinecke Concerto usually express themselves by varying the rhythm. Moreover, in some songs, such as Chaminade Concertino and Mendelsshon Violin Concerto in E minor has cadenzas that are written already but gives the performers freedom to do whatever they want. Therefore, the two periods that I am comparing both give the performers a certain amount of freedom in playing but neither gives full freedom to play how ever they wish.By comparing the two different periods of western music, Classical and Romantic, I was able to move in how Romantic developed from Classical, evolving into more characteristic type of music. By comparing the m melodically, harmonically, structurally, and rhythmically, I was able to understand in depth how music periods of different time can have certain similarities and differen ces. Moreover, by only comparing the flute songs, I was more able to understand how even though all languages seem different, they are all ways of communication and they do have similarities.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Eugene Delacroix Essay
Eugene Delacroix is a French romantic painter who lived between 1798 and 1863. He was born Ferdinand Victor Eugene Delacroix in Charenton Saint Maurice, France on April 26, 1798. His father was overseas Minister Charles Delacroix, although for some reasons he was assumed to be the son of Tallyrand, a famous diplomat, whom he resembles much in form and appearance.His m another(prenominal) had died in 1814, somewhat nine socio-economic classs after the death of Charles Delacroixs. The incident left him orphaned at the tender age of 16 year old. It as a year after that when he started his painting career. It was in 1815 when he became the pupil of a popular French painter, Pierre Narcisse Guerin and eventually entering lEcole des Beaux-Art in 1816. During that period in time, he had successfully produced more than 850 works and had completed numerous numbers of murals, sketches, and drawings.Prior to his education under Guerin, Eugene Delacroix early schooling was at the Lycee Louis le Grand. There is where his talents were first discovered, as he went on winning awards for his drawings during his stay in the institution. It was under Guerin though, that he had learned the neoclassical styles of Jacques Louis David. exactly even so, he was better influenced by the techniques of Peter Paul Rubens and a fellow French painter Theodore Gericault, as far as choice of colours and the visual impacts that his works portray.During his entire career as a painter, Delacroix had created masterpieces in the likes of Massacre at Chios, Death of Sardanapalus, Liberty Leading the People, Travel to North Africa, and The bark of Dante, among others. In 1824, Delacroix submitted his second work in the Paris Salon exhibition, after his had submitted Dante and Virgil in Hell two years prior.His painting entitled Massacre at Chios has garnered good reviews and had caught the attention of a lot of art critics. This masterpiece depicts Greek civilians all sick and dying, while being slaughtered by the Turks. Because of this particular work, Delacroix shot up to fame and recognition to be the leading Romantic painter in all of France. His painting was the exact representation of the French sentiments during those times. The 20,000 Greeks that were suffering under the hands of the Turks, as shown in the painting, was what it takes to convey the sympathy that the French are feeling for the Greeks in their war for independence. It was the French government who get to buy his work and it had cost 6,000 francs.His other work entitled Death of Sardanapalus is a depiction of the death of an Assyrian king named Sardanapalus. The piece was an adaptation from the literary play that is created by Byron. This masterpiece is created with stunning colourise amidst the tragic event it portrays.In the picture, the king is watching quite impassively as his guards carry out his own orders of killing animals, servants, and concubines in front of him. In the actual play though, t here isnt a reference at all to concubines being killed. It is believed that the addition of naked ladies in the painting is an exercise of Delacroixs artistic freedom. The artwork is indeed a tragic representation of death and all its horrors, which during that time, were never pinched or painted, even in the walls of the Sistine Chapel.Aside from his illustrious paintings, Eugene Delacroix also associates closely with writers and playwrights that are prominent during his time. He had illustrated the many works of writers in the likes of Sir Walter Scott, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and of course William Shakespeare. Many of Delacroixs works are portraits of people, religious subjects, and scenes drawn from history and literature. He also got to make landscapes and flower pieces, and of them made him one of the greatest artists of all time.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Cardiovascular Disease Information Essay
Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death in over half of the people in this country. It affects tout ensemble aspects of the magnetic core function, from the arteries that supply the pitch to the valves to the heart muscle itself. Heart and blood vessel disease- cardiovascular disease includes numerous problems, many of which are related to a process called atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a measure up that develops when a substance called plaque build up I the walls of the arteries. This buildup narrows the arteries, making it harder for blood to flow through. If a blood lot forms, it can stop the blood flow. This can cause a heart attack or stroke.Some of the symptoms associated with cardiovascular disease are dressing table pains, sudden numbness of arms or face, strokes or congestive heart failure. Cardiovascular disease can be managed by quest a tip strict diet, keeping your cholesterol down, not smoking, maintaining your blood pressure and exercising r egularly. It is said that if you exercise for about 30 minutes a day every(prenominal) day, that will keep you healthy and your heart pumping.Congestive Heart Failure refers to a poorly pumping heart that causes a fluid back up in the heart, lungs and other organs. The symptoms are shortness of breath, swelling in the body and debilitating fatigue. It is said that congestive heart failure is the most common cardiac condition among the elderly. Heart failure can start from an unnoticeable condition, which can progress to a debilitating disease. The way to check to see if you have a heart problem is by having an Echocardiogram which monitors your heart and makes sure everything is functioning properly. This disease can also be controlled by maintaining a healthy diet, not smoking, controlling your weight, and following a good exercise regimen. Maintaining your weight is also an important factor.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Public Habit
Win-win thinking simply describes the belief that everyone sens win. This line of thinking allows you to care for others as well as yourself. Thinking win-win is like an all you can eat buffet there is more than enough for everybody. To fully understand what it means to think win-win, we must understand what it is not. Win-Lose (aka-The Totem Pole) is the status that theres only a sure amount of something, and if you get big region, there is less for me, so therefore Im going to get my piece first.Lose- Win (aka-The Doormat) is the attitude that sets low expectations and compromises standards repeatedly, such as if I lose, you win. Lose-Lose (aka-The Downward Spiral) is the attitude that, If I go down, youre going down with me. Unlike these, the Win- Win cares roughly others and wants them to succeed, as well as caring about themselves. So you might be asking yourself, How can I think Win-win? First, you must succeed in obtaining private victories, where the benefit is internal .Without Hess, its hard for a someone to enjoy others successes, or share recognition and praise, because of their insecurities. As a person makes deposits into their ABA (Personal Bank Account), takes responsibility for their own life, and creates a plan, their confidence and security will boost, hence allowing them to enjoy the company of others instead of feeling threatened by them. The tumor twins, competing and comparing, are the two habits that, like tumors, slowly eat you away.Competition and impairing turns dark when your self-worth Is fasten to winning or being better than others. These, when not appropriate, can harm you. Lose-Win and Win-Lose will cloud you with negative thoughts. Not only does developing a Win-Win attitude infuse your heart with warm thoughts, but It also gives you confidence. Get a big piece, there is less for me, so therefore Im going to get my piece first. Lose- comparing turns dark when your self-worth is tied to winning or being better than infus e your heart with warm thoughts, but it also gives you confidence.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Life Lesson Essay
Up until that twenty-four hour period, I swear I thought I was invincible. I guess this is the like with all twelve year old girls who think they know all that there is to know about intent. I was never one to be a follower but I must admit my friends were a major influence in my early life. As a matter of fact this day was not only the day I realized how wrong and little I knew about life but it also became the reason I changed my life and circle of friends around. It all started when I got sent to a different school than my friends my freshman year first day of school I was feeling as cool as the other side of the pillow when reality gently slapped me in the face and I realized I was no longer genus Rosa but instead the freshman, the girl no one else other than other freshman cared to get to know, the girl who went unnoticed all day. All of a sudden it wasnt so refreshing and exciting to see so many new faces, different races and ages all gathered in the same place.The enliven to get up and walk away from that place came over me and all I wanted more than anything in the world was to see a familiar face. I decided I wasnt going to let it get to me so I became friends with Melissa she was the coolest girl I had ever met in my life. Her reputation was as contagious as a cold and as destructive as a tornado. For months, we hung out and even though I knew she was trouble, I except could not get passed how liberal and expressive she always was. She dressed how she wanted and came about as she pleased. Together we thought we ruled the world. One day, Melissa approached me and verbalize hey lets go for a ride. I said of course.Not caring where we were going, I got in her car and we drove finish up. She drove up into a dark neighborhood, at this point my heart sta6rts pounding harder than ever before. I ask her, What are we doing here? She said oph we are just getting approximately weed. Thinking this was cool, I played along as If this was a normal thing fo r me. As she is making her transaction, the man who she is buying it from pulled out a gun and pointed it at us. He said, Give me whatever else you have of money in your purse or I am going to shoot both of you. This was the moment it all became real, I could not believe we were going through that, I felt so powerless. Thankfully she acted on reaction and drove off so quickly, I bet the tire marks are still marked on the pavement of that street. That day I realized how much of nothing we both knew and parted our ways.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Mankind is nah island Essay
The dynamic concept, belonging, is highly influenced by social marginalisation as individuals develop a sense of displacement amongst the dominant culture. Vangenderons, Mankind Is No Island, utilises demand techniques, mise-en-scene and literary devices to explore the intangible concept of belonging. A sense of affiliation is established through the absence of belonging amongst the subjects of homelessness in two iconic cities, untried York and Sydney.RepresentationAll representation is subjective and incomplete. It abides us to understand an issue from a range of perspectives. The consideration of a variety of perspectives is necessary to developing a genuine understanding of an issue. Language is used to articulate, our particular perspective on an issue. The productive tension between the texts we have studied demonstrate how conflicting perspectives allow audiences to fully understand the complexity of representations. Appreciating that no single perspective contains the trut h allows us to value the unique contribution of each perspective.When preparing drafts Start with an idea that allows for egression in multiple directions Choose one of those paths & stick to it Allow yourself to end an idea then start again with new direction.Drafting strategies Rewrite sections of your fabrication that seem to be wasted. Have a list of multiple next moves to choose from When stuck do some research of the topic Work on the grammatical construction of the story.Intro Answer the question - INDICATE 2 ISSUES Elaborate stance outline issues further. Clarify stance if you have made an overall assessment i.e. the military capability of Australian legal system. impinging back to question, reiterate stance/directionNote Maximum clarityBody 1* Issue 1 efficacious Response.Body 2 Issue 1 Non-legal response.Body 3 Issue 2 Legal Response.Body 4 Issue 2 Non-legal response.Conclusion* theme sentence Introduce focus of paragraph your pointProve Elaborate, clarify Di scuss example legislatiom, stas, cases, keywords, key terminolotiy, quotes, related to this topic Evaluation reiterate what this evidence proves Link main argument.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Indian Sale of Goods Act 1930 Essay
It is a Mer masstile Law. The Sale of Goods Act is a kind of Indian Contract Act. It came into existence on 1 July 1930. It is a campaign whereby the trafficker transfers or agrees to transfer the blank space in the goods to the buyer for prize. A fight of deal of goods is a contract whereby the seller transfers or agrees to transfer the property in goods to the buyer for a price. There may be a contract of change between one(a) part-owner and another.Definition1. Buyer A person who buys or agrees to buy goods.2. Seller A person who sells or agrees to sell goods.3. Goods Every kind of movable property other than actionable things and property. Sale of Goods Act is one of very old mer enduretile law. Sale of Goods is one of the special types of Contract. Initially, this was part of Indian Contract Act itself in chapter VII (sections 76 to 123). Later these sections in Contract Act were deleted, and separate Sale of Goods Act was passed in 1930. The Sale of Goods Act is compl imentary to Contract Act. Basic provisions of Contract Act open to contract of Sale of Goods also.Basic requirements of contract i.e. offer and acceptance, effectually enforceable agreement, mutual consent, parties competent to contract, free consent, lawful object, consideration etc. apply to contract of Sale of Goods also. Contract of Sale A contract of sale of goods is a contract whereby the seller transfers or agrees to transfer the property in goods to the buyer for a price. There may be a contract of sale between one part-owner and another. section 4(1). A contract of sale may be absolute or conditional. section 4(2). The law relating to sale of goods is contained in the Sale of Goods Act, 1930. It has to be read as part of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 Sections 2(5) and (3).Contract of Sale of GoodsAccording to Section 4, a contract of sale of goods is a contract whereby the seller(i) transfers or agrees to transfer the property in goods(ii) to the buyer,(iii) for a money consideration called the price.It shows that the expression contract of sale includes both a sale where the seller transfers the ownership of the goods to the buyer, and an agreement to sell where the ownership of goods is to be transferred at a future time or lawsuit to close to conditions to be fulfilled later on. The following are thus the essentials of a contract of sale of goods(i) Bilateral contract It is a bilateral contract because the property in good has to pass from one party to another. A person scum bagnot buy the goods himself.(ii) Transfer of property The object of a contract of sale essential be the transfer of property (meaning ownership) in goods from one person to another.(iii) Goods The subject matter must be some goods.(iv) Price or money consideration The goods must be sold for some price, where the goods are exchanged for goods it is barter, not sale.(v) All essential elements of a valid contract must be present in a contract of sale. featuresThe Act deal s with provisions related to the contract of sale of goods The Act deals with provisions of sale but not of mortgage or pledge which come under the purview of Transfer of Property Act, 1882. The Act deals with goods but not of all movable goods (ex actionable engages, money etc.) pith OF SALES AND GOODSSALE- the exchange of a commodity for money the action of selling something. In general, a transaction between two parties where the buyer receives goods (tangible or intangible), services and/or assets in exchange for money. 2) An agreement between a buyer and seller on the price of a security. The activity or subscriber line of selling products or servicesGOODS- a good is a product that can be used to satisfy some desire or need. , a good is a material that satisfies human wants and provides utility, for example, to a consumer making a purchase.Condition and warranty.(1) A arrangement in a contract of sale with annexe to goods which are the subject thereof may be a condition or a warranty.(2) A condition is a stipulation essential to the principal(prenominal) resolve of the contract, the breach of which gives rise to a right to treat the contract as repudiated.(3) A warranty is a stipulation collateral to the main affair of the contract, the breach of which gives rise to a claim for damages but not to a right to reject the goods and treat the contract as repudiated.(4) Whether a stipulation in a contract of sale is a condition or a warranty weighs in each case on the construction of the contract. A stipulation may be a condition, though called a warranty in the contract.Unpaid seller defined.(1) The seller of goods is deemed to be an unpaid seller at bottom the meaning of this Act (a) when the whole of the price has not been paid or tendered (b) when a bill of exchange or other negotiable actor has been authoritative as conditional redressment, and the condition on which it was received has not been fulfilled by reason of the dishonour of the instr ument or otherwise. (2) In this Chapter, the term seller includes whatsoever person who is in the position of a seller, as, for instance, an agent of the seller to whom the bill of lading has been endorsed, or a consignor or agent who has himself paid, or is directly responsible for, the price.Unpaid sellers rights.(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act and of any law for the time being in force, notwithstanding that the property in the goods may have passed to the buyer, the unpaid seller of goods, as such, has by implication of law (a) a lien on the goods for the price while he is in possession of them (b) in case of the insolvency of the buyer a right of stopping the goods in transit after he has parted with the possession of them (c) a right of re-sale as limited by this Act.(2) Where the property in goods has not passed to the buyer, the unpaid seller has, in addition to his other remedies, a right of withholding delivery similar to and co-extensive with his rights of lien and stoppage in transit where the property has passed to the buyer.Negotiable Instruments -The watchword Negotiable means transferable by delivery and the word instruments means written paperss. It entitles a person to a certain sum of money. In simple words we can say it is a written document which is transferable from one person to another by delivery.According to contract act it is defined as , A negotiable instrument means a promissory note, bill of exchange or cheque payable by couch or carrier wave.Example - Cheques, Bill of Exchange and Promissory Notes are the burning(prenominal) examples of negotiable instruments.Characteristics Of Negotiable Instruments -Following are the important characteristics of negotiable instruments 1. In Writing -It is the basic condition of the negotiable instrument that it is almodal values in writing. It can not be verbal.2. Unconditional -It is an unconditional instrument if any condition is attached then(prenominal) it can not be called negotiable instrument.3. Transferable -It can easily transferable from one person to another. In these instruments right of ownership passes either by delivery or by endorsement.4. Payable On necessary -The amount of the instrument is payable on demand or at any predeterminationfuture time.5. Payable In Money -The amount must be written on the instrument and it is always payable in terms of money.6. Payable To The Bearer -The amount written on it is payable to the bearer or to a specified person.7. Payment of Debt -It can be very easily used for the payment of debt. It is very simple and convenient method of payment.8. even off of Recovery -A cheque or Note gives the right to the creditor to recover the written amount from the debtor. He can recover this amount by himself or he can transfer this right to another.9. Better Title -If there is a defect in the title of the previous holder it does not scratch the holder in receivable course. So it is abetter little than others.10. E xception of General Law -In case of transfer of property the general archetype of law is that No body can transfer a better title than that of his own.But in case of instrument this law does not apply. A negotiable instrument even got in good faith from thief is better title.11. Specified Amount -It is also a characteristic of negotiable instrument that specified and definite amount is written on the instrument.Holder.The holder of a promissory note, bill of exchange or cheque means any person entitled in his own name to the possession thereof and to receiveor recover the amount due thereon from the parties thereto. Where the note, bill or cheque is lost or destroyed, its holder is the person so entitled at the time of such loss or destruction.Holder in due course.Holder in due course means any person who for consideration became the possessor of a promissory note, bill of exchange or cheque if payable to bearer, or the payee or indorsee thereof, if 1payable to order, before the am ount mentioned in it became payable, and without having sufficient cause to believe that any defect existed in the title of the person from whom he derived his title.. Negotiation by endorsementSubject to the provisions of section 58, a promissory note, bill of exchange or cheque 18payable to order, is negotiable by the holder by endorsement and delivery thereof.Crossing of chequesA crossed cheque is a cheque that has been marked to specify an instruction about the way it is to be redeemed. A common instruction is to specify that it must be deposited directly into an account with a bank and not immediately cashed by a bank over the counter.What is Crossing of Cheque ?A cheque is a negotiable instrument. During the process of circulation, a cheque may be lost, stolen or the signature of payee may be done by some other person for endorsing it. Under these circumstances the cheque may go into wrong hands.Crossing is a popular device for protecting the drawer and payee of a cheque. Both bearer and order cheques can be crossed. Crossing prevents fraud and wrong payments. Crossing of a cheque means Drawing Two Parallel Lines across the face of the cheque. Thus, crossing is necessary in order to have safety. Crossed cheques must de presented done the bank only because they are not paid at the counter.DISHONOUR OF A CHEQUE-a cheque which the bank will not pay because there is not enough money in the account to pay itCompanies Act 1956The Companies Act 1956 is an Act of the Parliament of India, enacted in 1956, which enabled companies to be formed by registration, and set out the responsibilities of companies, their directors and secretaries.1 The Companies Act 1956 is administered by the Government of India through the Ministry of Corporate Affairs and the Offices of Registrar of Companies, Official Liquidators, Public Trustee, Company Law Board, Director of Inspection, etc. The Registrar of Companies (ROC) handles incorporation of new companies and the administratio n of running companies.Companies ActIn India, the Companies Act, 1956, is the most important piece of legislation that empowers the Central Government to regulate the formation, financing, mathematical process and winding up of companies. The Act contains the mechanism visualizeing organisational, financial, managerial and all the relevant aspects of a caller. It empowers the Central Government to inspect the books of accounts of a company, to direct special audit, to order investigation into the affairs of a company and to launch prosecution for violation of the Act.These inspections are designed to find out whether the companies conduct their affairs in conformation with the provisions of the Act, whether any unfair practices prejudicial to the public interest are being resorted to by any company or a group of companies and to stress whether there is any mismanagement which may adversely affect any interest of the shareholders, creditors, employees and others.Following are th e main characteristics of a company1. Legal EntityA company is an artificial person created by law. So, it has a separate legal entity from its members. It can hold and deal with any type of property of which it is owner in any way like, can enter into contracts, open bank account in its own name, sue and be sued in its name and capacity.2. Perpetual episodeJoint stock company is a corporate body. It acquires a separate legal personality difference from its member with a common seal. It does not depend upon the existence of its members. It means company is not at all affected by the death, lunacy or bankruptcy of its members or shareholders.The shareholders may come or go but the company goes on forever. Only law can terminate its existence.3. Limited LiabilityThe liabilities of shareholders of the company is limited up to their capital enthronement only. The liability of the shareholders in the public limited company is limited to the design of the amount of share, they have su bscribed. The shareholders are not liable for the payment of excess claim of the creditors even if capital of the company becomes insufficient.4. Common SealHowever, a company being artificial person, it can not sign on documents like inseparable person. Therefore, a common seal is used as a substitute of signature. The common seal affixed on all documents of the company.5. Transferability Of Share CapitalThe shares of a company are freely transferable from one person to another person except in case of private companies.6. Separation Of Ownership And steeringEvery member or shareholder, who is real owner of the company can not take active part in day-to-day management of the company. It is managed and tone downled by a board of directors.7. Maintenance Of Books Of AccountsA company has to keep and maintain a prescribed set of accounting books and any failure in this regard attracts penalties.8. Audit Of Account And Publication Of Financial StatementsIt is compulsory for each and every company to get its accounts to be audited. A joint stock company has to discharge its financial statement at the end of every fiscal year.Types Of CompaniesThere are different types of company, which can be classified on the basis of formation, liability, ownership, home base and control.1. Types Of Companies On The Basis Of Formation Or Incorporationa. Chartered CompaniesCompanies which are desegregated under special charter or proclamation issued by the school principal of state, are known as chartered companies. The Bank Of England, The East India Company, Chartered Bank etc. are the examples of chartered companies.b. Statutory CompaniesCompanies which are formed or incorporated by a special act of parliament, are known as statutory companies. The activities of such companies are governed by their respective acts and are not required to have any Memorandum or Articles Of Association.c. Registered CompaniesRegistered companies are those companies which are formed by reg istration under the Company Act. Registered companies may be dual-lane into two categories.* Private CompanyA company is said to be a private company which by its Memorandum of Association restricts the right of its members to transfer shares, limits the number of its members and does not experience the public to subscribe its shares or debentures. *Public CompanyA company, which is not private, is known as public company. It needs borderline seven persons for its registration and maximum to the limit of its registered capital. There is no restriction on issue or transfer of its shares and this type of company can invite the public to purchase its shares and debentures.2. Types Of Companies On The Basis Of LiabilityRegistered companies are divided into two types, namely, companies having limited liability and companies having unlimited liability.a. Companies Having Limited LiabilityThis liability can be limited in two ways* Liability Limited By SharesThese are those companies in which the capital is divided into shares and liability of members (share holders) is limited to the extent of face value of shares held by them. This is the most popular class of company.* Liability Limited By GuaranteeThese are such companies where shareholders promise to pay a fixed amount to meet the liabilities of the company in the case of liquidation.b. Companies Having Unlimited LiabilityA company not having any limit on the liability of its members as in the case of a partnership or sole trading concern is an unlimited company. If such a company goes into liquidation, the members can be called upon to pay an unlimited amount even from their private properties to meet the claim of the creditors of the company.3. Types Of Companies On The Basis Of Ownershipa. Government CompaniesA government company is a company in which at least 51% of the paid up capital has been subscribed by the government.b. Non-government CompaniesIf the government does not subscribe a minimum 51% of the paid up capital, the company will be a non-government company.4. Types Of Companies On The Basis Of Domicilea. National CompaniesA company, which is registered in a clownish by restricting its area of operations within the national boundary of such country is known as a national company.b. Foreign CompaniesA foreign company is a company having vexation in a country, but not registered in that country.c. Multinational CompaniesMultinational companies have their presence and business in two or more countries. In other words, a company, which carries on business activities in more than one country, is known as transnational company.5. Types Of Companies On The Basis Of Controla. Holding CompaniesA holding company is a company, which holds all, or majority of the share capital in one or more companies so as to have a controlling interest in such companies.b. Subsidiary CompanyA company, which operates its business under the control of another company (i.e holding company), is known a s a subsidiary company.Memorandum of associationThe memorandum of association of company, often simply called the memorandum (and then often capitalised as an abbreviation for the official name, which is a proper noun and usually includes other words), is the document that governs the relationship between the company and the outside. It is one of the documents required to incorporate a company in the United Kingdom,1 Ireland, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, and is also used in many of the common law jurisdictions of the Commonwealth. A Memorandum of Association (MOA) is a legal document prepared in the formation and registration process of a limited liability company to define its relationship with shareholders. The MOA is accessible to the public and describes the companys name, physical address of registered office, names of shareholders and the distribution of shares.Articles of associationIn corporate governance, a companys articles of association (called articles of incorporation in some jurisdictions) is a document which, along with thememorandum of association (in cases where the memorandum exists) form the companys constitution, defines the responsibilities of the directors, the kind of business to be undertaken, and the means by which the shareholders preserve control over the board of directors.DEFINITION of Articles Of AssociationA document that specifies the regulations for a companys operations. The articles of association define the companys purpose and lays out how tasks are to be accomplished within the organization, including the process for appointing directors and how financial records will be handled.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Children and the hous Essay
cutlery has been called a corruptive realist. In what office do you stand for this bum be applied to Neighbors and Theyre not your husband?I striket think Carvers work underside really be stereotyped it is sure different from early(a) fiction by other American writers, so I dont think it can ever really be given a heading give care dirty realism.Even though the word dirty conjures pictures of filth, squalor and generally anything sexually different that state tend to shun, just now in fact it almost has a double typifying- it doesnt have to mean sordid- its almost a term for describing anything sexually explicit which might otherwise be supposition unethical or immoral.Neighbors is a story which basically is an insight into whateverone elses life- fewthing that you would never usually know more(prenominal) or less that could be translated as interfering or an incredible lack of respect for other mint and their belongings.Theyre not your husband is a portrayal of male deportment and how controlling it can sometimes be.Neighbors is a revealing insight into the life of a couple going through a typeicularly difficult stage in their relationship. The idea of such a trivial thing worry feeding their friends cat is a particular trait of Carvers- to use something incredibly terrene to roseola something amazing from something pretty boring and r asideine.The counsel Bill and Arlene break all the unwritten laws of society and so bring a new flame to their relationship is odd in itself, but when you think about it, it is an obvious manner- to try on the lives of people who are happy and confident in their relationship, and copy it into yours. The non conformist way they behave is yet another style of Carver to show us the way people behave when they know other people cant see into their world or the way they are acting.I dont think that this particular story is particularly dirty, even if it is more or less sexual- it is not particularly cru de or off putting. It is quite subtle- for example, the way that they always use the take over of playing with Kitty when they spend hours in the Stones flat, is reminiscent of felines, which can be portrayed as erotic or sexual, and it is such a pathetic excuse that its obvious its not true- but neither of them ever questions it, they seem to have a hidden bond which lets them understand each other perfectly, and I think this is why they dont need to discuss anything when they go into the flat together.Although the Millers baffle the fatal mistake of leaving the key inside the house at the end of the story, it is too late, the fancy of perfect, routine middle- class life is broken. We realise that when we saw these people as a normal couple, mundane with no ups and downs in their lives, that we had only just scratched the surface. These people can behave just as ill as anyone else an although we do not see it, they are just as unlikely to conform to some perfect boring lifesty le than any of us.Theyre not your husband is a frank explanation of how male behavior can lead to extremes when men are put under great pressure. This can often happen in relationships when the female is more successful than the male, yet is unlikely to happen in circumstances where the man is the breadwinner and a wife or partner is left at home to nerve after children and the house.This statement is proved when Earls failure to get himself a job leads to his controlling behavior over his wife in a want of something to live for, a purpose in life. Earl enjoys having some influence over her life and the way he can make decisions for her- after all, he doesnt really have any to make for himself. It gives him something to think about- ways to get her to lose more encumbrance quickly, to make her an object of desire that he can be proud to be seen with.Earl seems to have no opinions or morals of his own- he relies on the opinions and gossip of other people to tell him whether his wi fe is magnetic or not. He doesnt seem to be able to tell that she has lost too pigwash weight- it is like he has lost slight control of his mind, similar to the way anorexics do, they believe they are free fat even when they are skeletal. Earl would like her to continue losing weight until he hears someone say that she looks good- indeed he would be satisfied.The voice communication used in this story is much more crude and flag-waver than that used in Neighbors. When the two business men discuss Doreen, saying Some men like their quim fat, this is deliberately coarse and blunt to represent just how lightly it was said, and how shallow Earl must be to take it seriously instead of standing up for his wife and forgetting about it. Instead he walks out of the cafe, pretending not to know her to save himself embarrassment. The wrangle they use is quite dirty, but this is not Carvers own views- it is him trying to show how insincere and shallow people can be, and the seedy way they can behave. How 0men can judge a woman simply by her looks and completely ignore character.This is extremely realistic in the sense of how people are embarrassed to admit they are with somebody because they think theyre special, desperate for other people not to think worse of them because they like someone not considered to be up to the standards of others. It shows the appalling level that things can get to in a real- life note without any of the family noticing much. IT takes outsiders to make a difference, good or bad.In both stories Carver uses dirty realism to give the audience an insight into the lives of real people- things that could actually happen and dont revolve just about some huge unrealistic drama like a lot of fiction does. However it is a lot more obvious in Theyre not your husband than it is in Neighbors, simply because the language is that much more raw and unrefined. It is subtler in Neighbors, yet it is still there, and if anything, I find the subtlety more effective than the obvious, harsh language in Theyre not your husband.In both stories the language is simple and unpolished, leaving the mind of the reader open to discover the seedy and immoral world he has based his characters in. It opens your eyes to see the world around us in the same way, which is slightly intimidate and depressing, but probably a good thing in the long run as it lets us look at other people and realise how pointless their lives are.I think Carver has been classed as a dirty realist simply for the reasons that he uses sex as to act as a part in the life of human beings which can be changed by something which doesnt have to be very(prenominal) dramatic, making it realistic.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Marks of Maturity Essay
As a participant within my focus group, my teachings should assist each of them in The capability of identifying the relationship amongst Jesus and the Law, by Applying their hermeneutic skills to accurately interpret Scriptures through critical thinking. Gaining competence for themselves in heavy(a) a defense for why Christ is the Messiah, by Understanding the Great Commission, the Covenants of God, and Gods innovation for sending Christ. Making a decision for Christ if not yet saved, or confirming reasons for their faith, by Taking them to what the Word says about what is asked of a disciple of Christ, and what is need of a follower to be saved. Be proficient in identifying the fundamentals of the Christian faith, by Demonstrating the capacity to complete the aptitude test administered upon outcome of the stipulation material for this lesson. Wielding the talents to employ these lessons to anyone they know like family and friends, by Sharing the information in the handouts gi ven during the lesson with loved ones, confess their faith (NEW BELIEVERS ) and or understanding why its serious (EVERYONE), and committing to fulfill the Great Commission once understood, in the community.Upon the successful completion of this course of study, a educatee could be expected to make a decision for Christ if they had not already done so. Having already done so however, a student could be expected to reaffirm their decision for a life sentence with Christ. Each student ordain be given the essentials necessary to critically analyze and interpret such(prenominal) faith establish principles such as the Covenants with God, the promise of Christ, the Great Commission, and the means to Discipleship. Upon understanding of these elements one could ramp up a practicum within a small group to present to the rest of the class on what phoebe bird things they would emphasize in retrieveing to a family member or friend. I would ask that everyone submit a surname to me of some one they knew that was lost spiritually, and that they could honestly see themselves having a conversation based on the practicum they submitted sooner presenting. erstwhile the lesson is given, and the groups share their presentation the groups would be split up in groups of two. These groups would then use the practicum to go before one person for each two man group equally distri barelyed according to their skill sets and witness to the one lost person of my choice. Explaining each of the lesson fundamentals with this person a summary should be scripted of what was discussed, and the reactions for this lost person. This summary should be apprise to not fill more than five minutes but exhaustive enough to give details. Discussing the outcome would be beneficial for the class so that if a correspondent situation arrived for them they would have a general idea how to minister the situation.Once the findings are summarized a brief review of the lesson will be administered where th e class will be allowed to answer the review questions aloud. As I look around the room, distinguishing the question to just one student will sometimes be needed based on my observations in thelast two sessions with them. From here a modest test based on the expectations and proof model will be given, no more than 15 questions. From there we will trade papers with a different partner and grade the papers discretely. I will walk around the room to ensure no one missed a large amount of questions, and if so follow-up with those individuals. My email will be given at closing to provide assistance on anything relative to discipling later, and regarding the lesson challenge, I will give each individual according to the level I observe them a challenge to email me that will pertain to the lessons I have given and applying them in the world.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
The teleph ane was ringing. I climbed toward it from a drowning dream where I couldnt engender my breath, rising into early sunlight, wincing at the pain in the gage of my head as I swung my feet knocked break through with(predicate)(p) of bed. The phone would quit in the beginning I got to it, they well-nigh al ways do in such situations, and hence Id lie support down and spend a fruitless ten minutes wondering who it had been in advance pay offting up for good.Ringgg . . . ringgg . . . ringgg . . .Was that ten? A dozen? Id lost count. Someone was really dedicated. I hoped it wasnt fear, and in my experience people dont try that hard when the virgins is good. I touched my fingers gingerly to the back of my head. It agony plenty, nevertheless that deep, sick ache seemed to be at peace(p). And there was no blood on my fingers when I looked at them.I padded down the hall and picked up the phone. Hello?Well, you wont pay back to worry well-nigh testifyin at the kids cu stody provein anymore, at least.Bill?Ayuh.How did you arse ab protrude along . . . I leaned more or less the corner and peered at the waggy, vexing cat-clock. Twenty minutes past cardinal and already sweltering. Hottern a bugger, as us TR Martians like to specify. How do you have it away he decided I dont drive in nothing closely his telephone line one way or t separate. Bill sounded touchy. He never called to ask my advice, and I never called to give him any.Whats happened? Whats deviation on?You havent had the TV on heretofore?I dont even have the coffee on yet.No plea from Bill he was a fellow who believed that people who didnt get up until later on six A.M. deserve whatever they got. I was awake now, though. And had a pretty good idea of what was coming.Devore killed himself outlast night, microphone. Got into a bath of warm water and pulled a plastic bag over his head. Mustnt have taken long, with his lungs the way they were.No, I thought, probably not long . In spite of the humid summer heat that already lay on the house, I shivered.Who found him? The wo small-arm?Ayuh, sure.What magazine?Shortly before midnight, they verbalise on the Channel 6 news. sound around the age I had awakened on the couch and taken myself stiffly off to bed, in other words.Is she implicated?Did she play Kevorkian, you mean? The news report I saw didnt say nothin about that. The gossip-mill down to the Lakeview General will be turnin brisk by now, comfort I aint been down yet for my share of the grain. If she helped him, I dont judge shell ever see trouble for it, do you? He was eighty-five and not well.Do you agnise if hell be buried on the TR?calcium. She said thered be services in medallion Springs on Tuesday.A sense of sur fliping oddness swept over me as I cognise the source of Matties problems powerfulness be lying in a chapel filled with flowers at the analogous time The Friends of Kyra Devore were digesting their lunches and getting ready to start throwing the Frisbee around. Its going to be a celebration, I thought wonderingly. I dont know how theyre going to handle it in The Little Chapel of the Microchips in laurel Springs, scarcely on Wasp Hill Road theyre going to be dancing and throwing their arms in the sky and holla Yes, lawd.Id never been glad to hear of anyones death before in my life, save I was glad to hear of Devores. I was sorry to feel that way, but I did. The older bastard had dumped me in the lake . . . but before the night was over, he was the one who had drowned. Inside a plastic bag he had drowned, sitting in a tub of tepid water.Any idea how the TV guys got onto it so fast? It wasnt superfast, not with seven hours betwixt the disco rattling of the body and the seven oclock news, but TV news people have a tendency to be lazy.Whitmore called em. Had a press conference right there in Warringtons parlor at dickens oclock this morning. Took questions settin on that big maroon plush sofa, the one Jo always used to say should be in a saloon oil paintin with a naked woman lyin on it. Remember?Yeah.I saw a coupla County de correcties walkin around in the background, plus a fella I reckonized from Jaquards Funeral Home in Motton.Thats bizarre, I said. Ayuh, body pipe down upstairs, most likely, while Whitmore was runnin her gums . . . but she claimed she was solely followin the bosss orders. Said he leave a tape sayin hed done it on F absolveay night so as not to affect the cumpny decline price and involveed Rogette to call in the press right off and assure folks that the cumpny was solid, that between his son and the Board of Directors, everythin was going to be scantily acey-deucey. Then she told about the services in Palm Springs.He commits suicide, therefore holds a two A.M. press conference by proxy to soothe the stockholders.Ayuh. And it sounds just like him.A silence fell between us on the line. I tried to hypothecate and couldnt. All I knew was that I wanted to g o upstairs and work, aching head or no aching head. I wanted to rejoin Andy Drake, jakes Shackleford, and Shacklefords childhood friend, the awful Ray Garraty. There was monomania in my story, but it was a madness I understood.Bill, I said at last, are we still friends?Christ, yes, he said promptly. But if theres people around who seem a little stand-offy to you, youll know why, wont you? authentic Id know. Many would blame the old mans death on me. It was crazy, given his physical condition, and it would by no bureau be a majority opinion, but the idea would gain a certain amount of credence, at least in the short run I knew that as well as I knew the trueness about John Shacklefords childhood friend.Kiddies, once upon a time there was a goose that flew back to the little unincorporated township where it had lived as a downy gosling. It began laying lovely golden eggs, and the townspeople all gathered around to marvel and receive their share. Now, however, that goose was cooked and almostone had to take the heat. Id get just about, but Matties kitchen capacity get a few degrees toastier than mine shed had the temerity to fight for her child instead of silently handing Ki over.Keep your head down the next few weeks, Bill said. Thatd be my idea. In fact, if you had business that took you right out of the TR until all this settles down, that might be for the best.I appreciate the sense of what youre saying, but I send wordt. Im writing a book. If I pick up my shit and move, its apt to die on me. Its happened before, and I dont want it to happen this time.Pretty good yarn, is it?Not bad, but thats not the important thing. Its . . . well, lets just say this ones important to me for other reasons.Wouldnt it travel as far as Derry?Are you trying to get rid of me, William?Im tryin to bear an eye out, thats all premeditationtakins my job, yknow. And dont say you werent warned the hives gonna buzz. Theres two stories going around about you, Mike. One is tha t youre shacking with Mattie Devore. The other is that you came back to write a hatchet-job on the TR. Pull out all the old skeletons you can find. polish what Jo started, in other words. Whos been spreading that story, Bill?Silence from Bill. We were back on earthquake ground again, and this time that ground felt shakier than ever.The book Im working on is a novel, I said. Set in Florida.Oh, ayuh? You wouldnt mobilize three little syllables could have so much relief in them.Think you could kind of pass that around?I think I could, he said. If you tell Brenda Meserve, itd get around even sudden and go even farther.Okay, I will. As far as Mattie goes Mike, you dont have toIm not shacking with her. That was never the grapple. The deal was like walking down the street, turning the corner, and seeing a big guy beating up a little guy. I paused. She and her lawyer are planning a barbecue at her place Tuesday noon. Im planning to join them. Are people from town going to think were dan cing on Devores dangerous?Some will. Royce Merrill will. Dickie Brooks will. Old ladies in pants, Yvette calls em.Well fuck them, I said. Every last one.I understand how you feel, but tell her not to shove it in folks faces, he almost pleaded. Do that much, Mike. It wouldnt kill her to drag her grill around back of her trailer, would it? At least with it there, folks lookin out from the introduce or the garage wouldnt see nothing but the smoke.Ill pass on the message. And if I make the party, Ill put the barbecue around back myself.Youd do well to stay away from that girl and her child, Bill said. You can tell me its none of my business, but Im talkin to you like a Dutch uncle, tellin you for your own good.I had a brand of my dream then. The slick, exquisite tightness as I slipped inside her. The little breasts with their hard nipples. Her voice in the darkness, telling me to do what I wanted. My body responded almost instantly. I know you are, I said.All right. He sounded reliev ed that I wasnt going to s frore him take him to school, he would have said. Ill let you go n have your breakfast.I appreciate you calling.Almost didnt. Yvette talked me into it. She said, You always liked Mike and Jo Noonan best of all the ones you did for. Dont you get in bad with him now that hes back home.Tell her I appreciate it, I said.I hung up the phone and looked at it thoughtfully. We seemed to be on good terms again . . . but I didnt think we were exactly friends. Certainly not the way we had been. That had changed when I realized Bill was lying to me about some things and holding back about others it had also changed when I realized what he had almost called Sara and the Red-Tops.You cant condemn a manor what may only be a figment of your own imagination.True, and Id try not to do it . . . but I knew what I knew.I went into the living room, snapped on the TV, then snapped it off again. My satellite mete out got fifty or sixty different channels, and not a one of them l ocal. There was a takeout TV in the kitchen, however, and if I dipped its rabbit-ears toward the lake Id be able to get WMTW, the ABC affiliate in western Maine.I snatched up Rogettes note, went into the kitchen, and turned on the little Sony tucked under the cabinets with the coffee-maker. Good stolon light America was on, but they would be breaking for the local news soon. In the meantime I scanned the note, this time concentrating on the mode of evidenceion rather than the message, which had taken all of my attention the night before.Hopes to return to California by private jet very soon, she had written.Has business which can be put off no longer, she had written.If you promise to let him rest in peace, she had written.It was a goddam suicide note.You knew, I said, rubbing my flip over the raised earn of her name. You knew when you wrote this, and probably when you were chucking rocks at me. But why?Custody has its responsibilities, she had written. Dont barricade he said so.But the custody business was over, right? Not even a judge that was bought and pay for could award custody to a dead man.GMA finally gave way to the local report, where Max Devores suicide was the leader. The TV picture was snowy, but I could see the maroon sofa Bill had mentioned, and Rogette Whitmore sitting on it with her pass folded composedly in her lap. I thought one of the deputies in the background was George Footman, although the snow was too strained for me to be completely sure.Mr. Devore had spoken frequently over the last eight months of ending his life, Whitmore said. He had been very unwell. He had asked her to come out with him the previous evening, and she realized now that he had wanted to look at one final sunset. It had been a glorious one, too, she added. I could have corroborated that I remembered the sunset very well, having almost drowned by its light. Rogette was reading Devores statement when my phone rang again. It was Mattie, and she was crying in hard gusts.The news, she said, Mike, did you see . . . do you know . . . At first that was all she could manage that was coherent. I told her I did know, Bill Dean had called me and then Id caught some of it on the local news. She tried to reply and couldnt speak. Guilt, relief, horror, even hilarity I perceive all those things in her crying. I asked where Ki was. I could sympathize with how Mattie felt until turning on the news this morning shed believed old Max Devore was her bitterest enemy but I didnt like the idea of a three-year-old girl watching her mammy fall apart.Out back, she managed. Shes had her breakfast. Now shes having a d-doll p-p-p . . . doll pi-p-pic Doll picnic. Yes. Good. Let it go, then. All of it.Let it out. She cried for two minutes at least, maybe longer. I stood with the telephone pressed to my ear, sweating in the July heat, trying to be patient.Im going to give you one chance to save your person, Devore had told me, but this morning he was dead and his soul was wherever it was. He was dead, Mattie was free, I was writing. Life should have felt wonderful, but it didnt.At last she began to get her control back. Im sorry. I havent cried like that really, really cried since Lance died.Its understandable and youre allowed.Come to lunch, she said. Come to lunch please, Mike. Kis going to spend the afternoon with a friend she met at Vacation Bible School, and we can talk. I postulate to talk to someone . . . God, my head is spinning. Please say youll come.Id love to, but its a bad idea. particularly with Ki gone.I gave her an edited version of my conversation with Bill Dean. She listened carefully. I thought there might be an angry outburst when I finished, but Id forgotten one simple fact Mattie Stanchfield Devore had lived around here all her life. She knew how things worked.I understand that things will heal quicker if I keep my look down, my mouth shut, and my knees together, she said, and Ill do my best to go along, but di plomacy only stretches so far. That old man was trying to take my daughter away, dont they realize that down at the goddam general store?I realize it.I know. Thats why I wanted to talk to you.What if we had an early s top(prenominal) on the Castle jolt common? Same place as Friday? Say five-ish?Id have to bring Ki Fine, I said. crop her. Tell her I know Hansel and Gretel by heart and am willing to share. Will you call John in Philly? Give him the details?Yes. Ill wait other hour or so. God, Im so happy. I know thats wrong, but Im so happy I could burstThat makes two of us. There was a pause on the other end. I heard a long, watery intake of breath. Mattie? All right?Yes, but how do you tell a three-year-old her grandfather died?Tell her the old fuck slipped and fell headfirst into a rapturous Bag, I thought, then pressed the back of my hand against my mouth to stifle a spate of swashbuckler cackles.I dont know, but youll have to do it as soon as she comes in.I will? wherefore? Because shes going to see you. Shes going to see your face.I lasted exactly two hours in the upstairs study, and then the heat drove me out the thermometer on the stoop read ninety-five degrees at ten oclock. I guessed it might be five degrees warmer on the bite floor.Hoping I wasnt devising a mistake, I unplugged the IBM and carried it downstairs. I was working without a shirt, and as I crossed the living room, the back of the typewriter slipped in the sweat coating my midriff and I almost dropped the outdated sonofabitch on my toes. That made me think of my ankle, the one Id hurt when I fell into the lake, and I set the typewriter aside to look at it. It was colorful, black and purple and red-faced at the edges, but not terribly inflated. I guessed my immersion in the cool water had helped keep the swelling down.I put the typewriter on the deck table, rummaged out an extension cord, plugged in to a lower place Bunters watchful eye, and sat down facing the hazy blue-gray surfa ce of the lake. I waited for one of my old trouble attacks to hit the clenched stomach, the throbbing eyes, and, worst of all, that sensation of invisible steel bands clamped around my chest, making it unsurmountable to breathe. Nothing like that happened. The words flowed as easily down here as they had upstairs, and my naked upper body was loving the little breeze that puffed in off the lake every now and again. I forgot about Max Devore, Mattie Devore, Kyra Devore. I forgot about Jo Noonan and Sara Tidwell. I forgot about myself. For two hours I was back in Florida. John Shacklefords execution was nearing. Andy Drake was racing the clock.It was the telephone that brought me back, and for once I didnt resent interruption. If undisturbed, I might have gone on writing until I simply melted into a sweaty pile of goo on the deck.It was my brother. We talked about Mom in Siddys opinion she was now short an entire roof instead of just a few shingles and her sister, Francine, who ha d broken her hip in June. Sid wanted to know how I was doing, and I told him I was doing all right, Id had some problems getting going on a new book but now seemed to be back on track (in my family, the only permissible time to discuss trouble is when its over). And how was the Sidster? Kickin, he said, which I assumed meant just fine Siddy has a twelve-year-old, and consequently his slang is always up-to-date. The new accounting business was starting to take hold, although hed been scared for awhile (first I knew of it, of course). He could never convey me enough for the bridge loan Id made him last November. I replied that it was the least I could do, which was the absolute truth, peculiarly when I considered how much more time both in person and on the phone he spent with our mother than I did.Well, Ill let you go, Siddy told me after a few more pleasantries he never says goodbye or so long when hes on the phone, its always well, Ill let you go, as if hes been holding you h ostage. You want to keep cool up there, Mike Weather Channel says its going to be hotter than hell in New England all weekend.Theres always the lake if things get too bad. Hey Sid?Hey what? Like Ill let you go, Hey what went back to childhood. It was sort of hearty it was also sort of spooky.Our folks all came from Prouts Neck, right? I mean on Daddys side. Mom came from another world entirely one where the men wear Lacoste polo shirts, the women always wear full slips under their dresses, and everyone knows the second poesy of Dixie by heart. She had met my dad in Portland while competing in a college cheerleading event. Materfamilias came from Memphis quality, darling, and didnt let you forget it.I guess so, he said. Yeah. But dont go asking me a lot of family-tree questions, Mike Im still not sure what the difference is between a nephew and a cousin, and I told Jo the same thing.Did you? Everything inside me had gone very still . . . but I cant say I was raged. Not by then.U h-huh, you bet.What did she want to know?Everything I knew. Which isnt much. I could have told her all about Mas great-great-grandfather, the one who got killed by the Indians, but Jo didnt seem to care about any of Mas folks.When would this have been?Does it matter?It might.Okay, lets see. I think it was around the time Patrick had his appendectomy. Yeah, Im sure it was. February of 94. It might have been March, but Im pretty sure it was February.Six months from the Rite Aid parking lot. Jo moving into the seat of her own death like a woman stepping beneath the shade of an awning. Not pregnant, though, not yet. Jo making day-trips to the TR. Jo asking questions, some of the sort that made people feel bad, according to Bill Dean . . . but shed gone on asking just the same. Yeah. Because once she got onto something, Jo was like a terrier with a rag in its jaws. Had she been asking questions of the man in the brown sportcoat? Who was the man in the brown sportcoat?Pat was in the hosp ital, sure. Dr. Alpert said he was doing fine, but when the phone rang I jumped for it I half-expected it to be him, Alpert, saying Pat had had a throwback or something.Where in Gods name did you get this sense of impending doom, Sid?I dunno, buddy, but its there. Anyway, its not Alpert, its Johanna. She wants to know if we had any ancestors three, maybe even four generations back who lived there where you are, or in one of the ring towns. I told her I didnt know, but you might. Know, I mean. She said she didnt want to ask you because it was a surprise. Was it a surprise?A big one, I said. Daddy was a lobsterman Bite your tongue, he was an artist a coast primitive. Ma still calls him that. Siddy wasnt quite laughing.Shit, he sold lobster-pot coffee-tables and lawn-puffins to the tourists when he got too rheumatic to go out on the bay and haul traps.I know that, but Mas got her marriage edited like a movie for television.How true. Our own version of Blanche Du Bois. Dad was a lobster-man in Prouts Neck. He Siddy interrupted, singing the first verse of Papa Was a Rollin Stone in a horrible off key tenor.Come on, this is serious. He had his first boat from his father, right?Thats the story, Sid agreed. sea dog Noonans Lazy Betty, original owner Paul Noonan. Also of Prouts. Boat took a hell of a pasting in Hurricane Donna, back in 1960. I think it was Donna.Two years after I was born. And Daddy put it up for sale in 63.Yep. I dont know whatever became of it, but it was Grampy Pauls to begin with, all right. Do you remember all the lobster stew we ate when we were kids, Mikey?Seacoast meatloaf, I said, just thinking about it. Like most kids raised on the coast of Maine, I cant imagine order lobster in a restaurant thats for flatlanders. I was thinking about Grampy Paul, who had been born in the 1890s. Paul Noonan begat Jack Noonan, Jack Noonan begat Mike and Sid Noonan, and that was really all I knew, except the Noonans had all grown up a long way from w here I now stood sweating my brains out.They shit in the same pit.Devore had gotten it wrong, that was all when we Noonans werent wearable polo shirts and being Memphis quality, we were Prouts Neckers. It was unlikely that Devores great-grandfather and my own would have had anything to do with each other in any outcome the old rip had been twice my age, and that meant the generations didnt match up.But if he had been totally wrong, what had Jo been on about?Mike? Sid asked. Are you there?Yeah.Are you okay? You dont sound so great, I have to tell you.Its the heat, I said. Not to mention your sense of impending doom. Thanks for calling, Siddy.Thanks for being there, brother.Kickin, I said.I went out to the kitchen to get a looking glass of cold water. As I was filling it, I heard the magnets on the fridge begin sliding around. I whirled, spilling some of the water on my bare feet and hardly noticing. I was as excited as a kid who thinks he may glimpse Santa Claus before he shoots back up the chimney.I was barely in time to see nine plastic letters drawn into the circle from all points of the compass. CARLADEAN, they spelled . . . but only for a second. Some presence, tremendous but unseen, shaft past me. Not a hair on my head stirred, but there was still a strong sense of being buffeted, the way youre buffeted by the air of a passing express train if youre standing near the platform yellow-line when the train bolts through. I cried out in surprise and groped my glass of water back onto the counter, spilling it. I no longer felt in need of cold water, because the temperature in the kitchen of Sara Laughs had dropped off the table.I blew out my breath and saw vapor, as you do on a cold day in January. One puff, maybe two, and it was gone but it had been there, all right, and for perhaps five seconds the pip of sweat on my body turned to what felt like a slime of ice.CARLADEAN exploded outbound in all directions it was like watching an atom being smashed i n a cartoon. magnetized letters, fruits, and vegetables flew off the front of the refrigerator and scattered across the kitchen. For a moment the fury which fuelled that scattering was something I could almost taste, like gunpowder.And something gave way before it, going with a sighing, rueful whisper I had heard before Oh Mike. Oh Mike. It was the voice Id caught on the Memo-Scriber tape, and although I hadnt been sure then, I was now it was Jos voice.But who was the other one? Why had it scattered the letters?Carla Dean. Not Bills wife that was Yvette. His mother? His grandmother?I walked slowly through the kitchen, collecting fridge-magnets like prizes in a scavenger hunt and sticking them back on the Kenmore by the handful. Nothing snatched them out of my hands nothing froze the sweat on the back of my neck Bunters bell didnt ring. Still, I wasnt alone, and I knew it.CARLADEAN Jo had wanted me to know.Something else hadnt. Something else had shot past me like the Wabash Cannon ball, trying to scatter the letters before I could read them.Jo was here a boy who wept in the night was here, too.And what else?What else was sharing my house with me?
Friday, May 17, 2019
Human Resource Management Case Study Essay
1. Ch 1, page 60-61, drumhead 4 What is evidence based HR? Why mightiness an HR subdivision resist becoming evidenced based? The concept of evidence based HR is using specific tools (key carrying into action indicators) to help clarify course of action, identify errors or omissions, and align HR to corporate strategy. It is a decision-making process combining critical thinking with use of the beat out avail adequate scientific evidence and business information (Rousseau & B atomic number 18nds 2011). It forces HR professionals to measure their efficiency and effectiveness quantitatively. In addition, it presents a cleargonr fashion to share information with colleagues in a systematic way. One tool that is utilise is Critical caterpillar track Analysis, which helps illustrate the minimum time needed to complete a process. Another method is process mapping, which gouge help understand needed steps/tasks and enable users to systematically follow the process outlined. Utilizing these tools helps develop uniform, conformable operating procedures, which results in a more efficient system.Two key characteristics of evidence based HR are a focus on business strategy, taking into account financial and organization performance measures that are virtually critical to the company and then using quantitative methods to identify human jacket crown strategies that drive those outcomes and standards of evidence, in which criteria is used to retrieve the enormousness of various relationships which can be used to reveal bod employee strategies. An example is the measurement of employee productiveness and work quality against organizational goals. Evidence based HR forces human resource professionals to systematically gather, utilize and evaluate information based on results. In addition, it causes HR professionals to be precise and utilize valid evidence. To do this, HR professionals must evaluate evidence to determine its worth.Furthermore, it involves change a nd systematic work skills, which often causes resistance. However, at the same time evidence based HR allows HR professionals to be viewed as a source of competitive advantage and as a department that creates value by maximizing the use of the companys most(prenominal) important resource, its personnel. It also elevates the importance of employees as a resource beyond the HR department and increases the value of the department to the entire organization, and most importantly utilizes statistical evidence to find the critical human levers for improving business results (Gibbons & Woock 2007).2. Ch 2, page 99,-100 question 4 How can strategic oversight within the HRM department ensure that HRM plays an effective role in the companys strategic management process? When strategic management within the HRM department is used to ensure that HRM plays an effective role in the companys strategic management processes, it will basically force HRM to review their mission, their goals and the ir objectives. These factors will have to be in-line with the strategic processes of the company. The two have to be in-sync when they are handled through strategic management. It integrates HRM into the company and the strategic processes from HRM are then also integrated into the strategic management processes of the company. HRM becomes a more active, effective department and both HRM and management then work as a unified team towards the companys mission, objectives, and values.It creates the most productive and opportune environment for customers and the company. When we look at it from the opposite spectrum, if strategic management is not in place within the HRM department, it will create a state where the company is less efficient because although strategic management is being used throughout the company, it is not being used within the HRM department. When we strategically manage HR, we become involved with the employees from a strategic basis. By doing so, we are break dow n able to handle the resources needed for the employees and to provide our employees with more, like better benefits, more plenary compensation packages, and related items. The employees are encouraged in their work because they are being motivated by the strategic management of HRM and what its doing to provide for them the employees. Due to the greater encouragement, it reduces employee turnover and increases efficiency. This causes the company to be able to fulfill their goals and objectives that have been both created and managed through the strategic management process.3. Ch 3, page 147-148, question 3 round(prenominal) companies have dress codes that require men to wear suits and women to wear dresses. Is this discriminatory according to disparate sermon theory? Why? The process of establishing if an action/insurance is discriminatory can be very challenging. However, a number of theories seek to differentiate actions that constitutediscrimination and those that do not. D isparate treatment Theory is amongst the most commonly used theories that have been used to ascertain whether an act or indemnity amounts to discrimination or not. The theory argues that one is subject to discrimination if they are treated less favorably than others are in similar situations (Bent, 2011). Many companies have dress codes that require men to wear suits and women to wear dresses.This has raised a debate on whether much(prenominal) policies are discriminatory or not. Based on the Disparate intercession Theory, such a insurance policy cannot be considered as discriminatory. Men and women cannot be on the same programme in that they both dress differently. Even if people from both sexes were allowed to determine whatever they dress, there is no way that men would dress exactly as women (Belton, 2004). The most important consideration as to whether the policy that commits men to wear suits and women to wear dresses amounts to discrimination would call for the scrutiny of the motive. Many companies that take up such a policy are not inclined to punishing or discriminating against women.Rather, they attribute the policy to the need for sanity and decency at the work place. In a world where dresses for women can expose some of the most sensitive parts of their body, the need for regulation cannot be ignored. Furthermore, one cannot claim that putting on dresses is less fashionable as compared to putting on suits. The design and fitting of the dress and the suit would determine whether one is neat or not. From all these considerations, the disparate treatment theory rules out the possibility of the policy that requires men to put on suits and women dresses as discriminatory to women (Bent, 2011).4. Ch 4, page 185, question 6 What are the trade-offs amid the different turn upes to put-on design? Which show up do you think should be weighted most severely when designing personal line of credits? in that location are three major go aboutes to j ob design the engineering approach, human approach, and the job characteristic approach. Each is valuable in its own way, but there are trade-offs that occur depending upon the approach, which is taken. With the engineering approach (also called the task approach), there is a lot of repetition. This can lead to boredom. In this approach, there is distinctiveness to the task, and employees are not encouraged to learn more or improve the job.Because jobs designed using this approach have employees typically set at aparticular station, each employee is basically a seethe in a cog, executing part of a task and passing it on to the next station. There is little interaction between employees and often the job is paced according to a machine (part of an assembly line). It is knotty to take pride in ones work since there is not a ideal product. Employees do not have a say in their work, tools or methods used. However, work is performed accurately, by the best person selected for the job , in a procedural, systematic way. This increases specialization thus leading to higher output. The human approach increases employees job satisfaction and emphasis motivators like responsibility, advancement, and recognition.In addition, importance is placed on working conditions, pay, job security, and employee relations. The psychological needs of employees are paramount in designing jobs, which increases employee satisfaction, but does not necessarily guaranty satisfaction or performance. Another approach, job characteristics, is based on the idea that employees will perform better if motivation and rewards are built into the work. As such, the work is designed to offer a variety of activities so employees can use different skills, tasks are executed in a manner that there is outcome of an identifiable piece of work, there is work of importance, employees have the ability to work based on their knowledge, not as part of an assembly line, and there is feedback in regards to the work.This is optimal, however, drawbacks of this approach include needing to find people who are motivated to find best practices, who can work independently, and who do find motivation at work. The approach which should be weighted more heavily is dependent on the job. In the case of making an motorcar or similar repetitive task, one would want to utilize an engineering approach, since the work is repetitive, precise, and focused on output. In most other cases, the job characteristics approach seems logical since it is likely to lead to better, more contented employees. It would be important to give sufficient feedback to help manage the employee toward optimal performance utilizing this approach. Ultimately, efficiency and productivity are key, so motivation must be included in some form to arrest better results. The job characteristics approach appears to take in regards more factors (skill variety, task identity and significance, autonomy and feedback) to wee-wee greater re sults.ReferencesBent, J.R., (2011). The telltale sign of discrimination probabilities, information asymmetries, and the systematic disparate treatment theory, University of Michigan daybook of Law Reform, 2011, Volume 44, Issue 4, p. 797 Belton, R. (2004). Employment discrimination law cases and materials on equality in the workplace. Thomson/ wolfram Bobinski, D. (2004). The role of HR in strategic planning. counselling Issues. Retrieved from http// Campion, M.A. & Thayer, P.W. (1987). Job design Approaches, outcomes, and trade-offs. Organizational Dynamics, 15(3), 66-80.Gibbons, J. M., Woock, C. (2007). Evidence-Based compassionate Resources A Primer and Summary of Current Literature. The Conference Board, Retrieved from http// Mashete, P. (2008). Approach to job design. Human Resource Knowledge. Retrieved from http// n.html Noe, R., J. Hollenback, B. Gerhart, Wright P. (2013) Human resources management (8th ed.) New York McGraw-Hill Higher Education.Rousseau, D. M., Barends, E. G. R. (2011). Becoming an evidence-based HR practitioner. Human Resource Management Journal, 21(3), pages 221235.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Awareness to the Health Problem of Violence Against Women
The American Nurses Association (ANA) supports education of nurses, wellness c be providers and women in skills necessary for cake of military force against women perspicacity of women in health cargon institutions and onlyiance settings and research on violence against women. ANA believes there is a need to increase apprisedness to the heath hassle of violence against women, as well as reduce injuries and psychological misery associated with this crime. ANA believes health cargon professionals must(prenominal) be educated as to their role in the estimation, intervention, and prevention of physical violence against women.Further, ANA supports the YEAR 2000 health Objectives, which cite the surveillance, prevention and intervention for violent behavior as a priority issue for the nation. physical violence against women is behavior intended to inflict harm and includes, slapping, kicking, choking, punching, pushing, use of objects such as weapons, forced sexual activity an d injury or death from a weapon. Physical violence is by definition, intrusion and it is a crime. Ninety-five percent of serious assaults by a spouse or intimate collaborationist are men battering women.Abuse is the leading cause of injury to women and homicide a major cause of traumatic death to women. Physical violence against is pervasive and cuts across in all ethnic, racial, religious, and socio- scotch groups. Based on national observe results, 1. 8 million women are beaten by their husbands each year. Stated another way, one of either eight husbands assaults his wife at least once during a given year. Abuse during courtship and cohabiting relationships affects betwixt 16 and 23 percent of all dating relationships.The FBI estimates that her male partner will physically assault one in two women during her lifetime. Frequently physical insult begins during pregnancy with 25-30 percent of pregnant women insurance coverage abuse prior to or during pregnancy. Pregnant women reporting abuse are to a greater extent likely to possess a low birth weight infant. Injuries to women sustained from abuse include contusions, concussions, lacerations, fractures and gun shot wounds. fate room records document that 22 to 35 percent of women presenting any complaint are there because of symptoms cogitate to physical abuse.Some 1,000 women are killed each year by their male partner, almost always future(a) years of physical abuse. The economic costs of interpersonal violence are high especially if a weapon is involved. The lifetime cost of firearm deaths and injuries are estimated at $23 billion in 1990 with more than 80 percent of the medical care costs borne by public funds. During the same year, injuries caused by interpersonal violence requiring hospitalization cost an estimated $80 billion. Because most physical violence between intimate partners goes underreported, the economic costs are grossly underrepresented.The American College of Obstetricians and Gy necologists, Surgeon General and Centers for Disease Control have forwarded recommendations that all women be routinely screened for physical abuse and offered counseling, education, advocacy and appropriate referrals.Year 2000 Health Objectives cite the surveillance, prevention for violent behavior as a priority issue for the Nation. Routine education of all nurses and health care providers in the skills necessary to prevent violence against women Routine assessment and documentation for physical abuse of all women in any health care institution or community setting Targeted assessment of women at increase risk of abuse including pregnant women and women presenting in emergency rooms. Education of all women as to the cycle of violence, the potential for homicide, and community resources for primary, secondary and tertiary prevention and care. Education of school age children and adolescents in public schools about relationships without violence and community resources for help. Research on violence against women, including the development and evaluation of nursing models for preventive assessment, intervention, and treatment for abused women, their children and perpetrators of violence. Partner abuse victims tend to obscure their victimization. They are acutely aware that disclosure of their dilemma will be met with defiance or minimization by their partner, friends, and relatives and by increased abuse by their partners. When a woman becomes independent monetaryly and emotionally the abuse increases the violence by their partner.Some end results are women killing the abusive partner, most of the time it is in self- defense by and by a history of beatings. Studies have been performed in reference to domestic violence and the abuse of drugs and alcohol. Some abusers are abstainers, however, more are substance abusers than not. The present view is that abusers use alcohol and drugs as an excuse for their violence and drink when are about to become violen t. Apparently there seem to be a connector between alcohol and drugs and the severity of violence committed against women.In contrast, victims of domestic violence tend to pick the abuse on the substances used rather than on the abuser personally. The victim acknowledges that they do not transport the abuse, but believe their partners philosophy that they deserve the abuse. Victims of domestic violence stay with their abusive partner cod to economic status, fear of physical danger to themselves and their children, fear of losing children, overlook of job skills, lack of alternative housing, lack of support from family members and friends, lack of teaching regarding alternatives, fear of court procedures, and fear of partner retaliation.The majority of women have sad self image, are lonely, embarrassed and tend to protect the abuser, they are insecure about themselves and believe their partner is sick and needs their help. Backache, abdominal pain, indigestion, headaches, hyp erventilation, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, anorexia, heart palpitations, injuries without explanations and embarrassment about them, hidden injuries to head and neck, internal injuries, genital injuries, scars, burn, joint pain or dislocation, numbness, hearing problems, or bald spots.Injuries from a belt, iron, raised ring, teeth, fingertips, cigarette, gun, or knife, nervousness or flinching in the presence of the abuser, substance abuse/suicidal thoughts or attempts, denial of any problems in their relationship, lack of relationships of friends or family, isolation or confinement to home. Believing in family unity at all costs and in traditional stereotypes, an overzealous partner who does not want to leave spouse unsocial in an emergency care unit.Battered woman syndrome is being suggested as a sub salmagundi of PTSD due to repetitive abuse being a serious threat to the victims health and life. Battered women report nightmares, flashbacks, recurrent fears of more violence, em otional detachment, numbness, startle response, sleep problems, impaired concentration, and hyper vigilance. Victims bear witness reactions to chronic trauma, but no symptoms of psychopathology are present.How can we help? We can offer information and assistance to these individuals who are victimized by their partners. Recognizing the symptoms (listed above) is the first step in offering assistance. Make an assessment (length/frequency of abuse, types of abuse physical, psychological, sexual, financial) and recommend the victim to available services offered in the surrounding area.Do not be judgmental, be objective, and non threatening, ask directly if abuse is occurring, identify the abusers behavior, acknowledge the seriousness of the abuse, help the victim to asses internal strengths, hike use of personal resources, give the victims a list of shelters, police departments, legal assistance, and financial aid, allow the victim to choose his or her own options, teach victim to de velop a guard/escape plan, tell the abuser to stop the abuse and get himself help, do not blame the victim, do not get angry with the victim, refuse no help to the victim even though they are not ready to leave the abuser, do not retaliate with the victim against the abuser, do not encourage the victim to leave the abuser before she is ready.It is however, important to assure the victims they are not alone and they do not deserve the abuse they have become accustomed to. We must impart to them that they have gravitas and worth and acknowledge their mental and physical exhaustion, fears, ambivalence about the abusers and leaving, and their wish to help the abuser as well as themselves. The victim may want to try counseling with a community procedure or a local pastor, do not discourage this, it is always the victims decision on how to go about, stopping the violence in their own life.
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