Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Qualitative and Quantitative Research: Sampling and Ethics
Qualitative and Quantitative Research: Sampling and Ethics 1. Discuss the main difference between qualitative and quantitative research? While qualitative research involves the analysis of unstructured information from interview transcripts, open ended survey responses, photos and videos, quantitative research involves the analysis of numerical data. According to Reswick, J. B., (1994 p. viii), ââ¬Å"Quantitative and qualitative research differ in at least three major ways.First, the process is very different; second, the tools are different; and, third, the outcomes differâ⬠. Qualitative research is used to explore and understand peoples attitudes, behaviour, experiences, value systems, concerns, motivations, aspirations, culture or lifestyles.It generates non-numerical data and tries to elicit a detailed opinion from the participants. In a qualitative study, fewer participants take part in the research but the interaction between the researcher and the subjects is longer.Qualitative research techniques include focus groups, participant observations, content analysis and in-depth interviews.A qualitative type of approach strives for depth allowing the researcher to view behaviour in a natural setting without the artificiality that sometimes surrounds experimental or survey research. Quantitative research aims to classify its subjects, counting them and constructing statistical models in an attempt to explain what is observed with the data collected being in the form of numbers and statistics. Usually the researcher knows clearly in advance what he or she is looking for. This type of study is considered to be more efficient in data collecting and is able to test hypotheses, but however as opposed to qualitative methodology, it may miss contextual detail. Qualitative research is considered to be more flexible, allowing more spontaneity and informal interaction between the researcher andthe study participant.Qualitative research uses open ended questions whilequantitative research is characterized by close ended questions.With open ended questions, the participant expresses himself or herself more freely than in close ended questions, where a ââ¬Å"yesâ⬠or a ââ¬Å"noâ⬠answer is expected.Thus, replies in qualitative research leave more space for subjectivity and interpretation. For example, if anorganization would like to know how many people in Malta are affected by diabetes, the researcher would have to conduct a quantitative studyas numerical data is required.On the other hand if a researcher would like to discover what are the bio-psycho-social factors that may influence which patients are able and willing to adhere to a strict regiment, self management behaviour to control their medical situation, a qualitative study would be more suitable. The research methodology can include both qualitative and quantitative research, as none of them is necessarily more scientific than another; one is not exclusive of the other. Driscoll et al (2007 p.26) believe that integrating both type of research ââ¬Å"can provide pragmatic advantages when exploring complex research questions. The qualitative data provide a deep understanding of survey responses, and statistical analysis can provide detailed assessment of patterns of responsesâ⬠. 2) What are the advantages of secondary data analysis? Secondary data is existing information collected for another purpose, by a person or organization other than the users of the data. Sources of secondary data include census data, national surveys, health care registers, government administrative records such as birth and death registers. Secondary data is economical, as itcheaper and quicker to collect than primary data as it reuses and recycles existent data already collected by a third party. According to Boslaugh S. (2007, p.3)ââ¬Å"even if the secondary data set must be purchased, the cost is almost certainly lower than the expense of salaries, transportation, and so forth that would be required to collect and process a similar data set from scratchâ⬠. Another advantage of using secondary data is that it takes less time to collect than primary data. It is faster than doing original studies, as web-based materials and search engines makes research for secondary analysis easily accessible. This leavesmore time for the researcher to make in depth data analysis, rather than engaging in a primary data collection exercise. . Secondary data overcomes limited funds and time restrictions allowing the researcher to study large scale populations, particularly if the financial budget is constrained. Another plus is thatthe researcher using secondary data has often at his disposalââ¬Å"data collection process is informed by expertise and professionalism that may not available to smaller research projects.â⬠Boslaugh S. (2007, p. 4). Furthermore, secondary datais unobtrusive as corroborated bytheSocialResearch Association(2003, p.26) report considers secondary data as ââ¬Å"one way of avoiding inconvenience to potential subjects is to make more use of available data instead of embarking on a new enquiryâ⬠.The researcher does not need to obtain approval from ethics committees or informed consent from the subjects particularly if the study of the research of a highly sensitive nature such as mental illness or drug abuse. 3) How are samples used to describe populations? 4) Discuss the difficulties with gaining access to the research site and the population. Researchers often face a multitude of difficulties to obtain access to the research field, organization or population.It can be ââ¬Å"complex and depends on the researchers familiarity with the subjects, the location, local culture, bureaucracy, and political situationâ⬠. (Mathie, A. Camozzi, A. (2005). p. 105) Being familiar with the subjects will enable the researchers to follow the protocol to gain entrymore easilyinto a bureaucratic organization, such as a police force or an education system.The researchers should be prepared to deal with the complexities of facilitating and maintaining access into such organizations and dealing withââ¬Å"gatekeeperswho intentionally or unintentionally prevent easy access to study subjectsâ⬠(Mathie, A. Camozzi, A. (2005). p. 105) Other groups which verge on illegality are very hard to infiltrate.Schrock, A., Boyd, D., (2008, p. 13), sustain that groups suchas ââ¬Å"online solicitors of youth, adult offenders participating in Internet-initiated relationships, and consumers of child pornography remain extremely difficult populations to researchâ⬠. Besides information obtained from incarceration or rehabilitation institutions on those who commit similar crimes, other quantitativedatadoesnot exist. Another difficult study to carry out and gain access to is a secretive subject such asa Masonic Lodge or a cohesive religious cult.It might take years for a researcher to build up a trusting relationship with one of the membersandto gain access in such organizations. The task becomesfurtherextremely difficult when the research involves a sensitive topic such as mental illness. Confidentiality and data privacy issues often crop up and prohibit professionals in revealing their clients identity to the researcher.Other sensitive issues such as domestic violence, prostitution and poverty might be a hard nut to crack for the novice researcher.Social stigma prevents such vulnerable groups from revealing data to the researcherifhe or she is considered as an outsider to their group. Theresearchershave to be tactful and use social skills when it comes to taboo subjects such as sexuality, in order to gain trust and acceptance from their subjects and conduct ones research.Researchers must also always keep in mind sensitivity of such subjects and respect the persons confidentiality. 5. What are the major ethical issues in research? The researcher has a moral obligation to minimize personal and social harm of the subjects and to safeguard their human rights. The design stageshould be carefully planned covering possible scenarios dealing with ethical issues that might emerge during the research. Obtaining informed consent from interested subjects is a necessary requisite when conducting researchensuring that the subjects are voluntarily participating and are not coerced in taking part in the study.Fouka, G. Mantzorou, M. (2011, p. 5) consider that it is essential to inform the prospective research participants about the procedures and risks involved including ââ¬Å"any physical harm or discomfort any invasion of privacy and any threat to dignityâ⬠before they give their consent to participate.When subjects are identifiedfrom vulnerable groups or individuals with diminished autonomy such as children or people with mental health problems,a written consent from guardians or relatives should be sought. The participants safety, both physical and psychological should be a primary concern for the researcher.ââ¬Å"This is accomplished by considering all possible consequences of the research and balances the risks with proportionate balanceâ⬠.Fouka, G. Mantzorou, M. (2011, p. 5) Anonymity and confidentiality are issuesclosely connected. Anonymity prevents disclosure of identities, where subjects names are changed. The use of pseudonyms is widely used in social science, to prevent the subjects from being identified. Confidentiality is the management of private information such as confidential communications, personal records and patient records, by the researcher in order to protect the subjects identity. Data should not be available to third parties outside the agreement made with the subject. ââ¬Å"The researcher is responsible to maintain confidentiality that goes beyond ordinary loyaltyâ⬠. Fouka, G. Mantzorou, M. (2011, p. 6) ââ¬Å"The researcher should certainly resist requests for the identity disclosure of any individual subject or subjects when such disclosure could lead to the failure to preserve the anonymity of other subjects who choose not to disclose their identityâ⬠Social Research Association(2003. p. 40), Privacy is a debatable issue. What constitutes a breach of privacy mayvary from a society to another, from one culture to another.For example,Kasper, D.V.S (2005) considers both stockpiling and physical observationas invasionsof privacy, in which the research participants have little knowledge and even less control.Treece and Treece (as cited in Fouka, G. Mantzorou, M., 2011, p.7) suggest that ââ¬Å"privacy can be invaded when researchers study certain groups without their knowledge and without identifying themselvesâ⬠such as in the case of Humphries study in which he observed homosexuals during sexual activities in public mens rooms. The researcher should also be familiar and adhere to the relevant laws in which the research is being carried out taking into consideration institutional and governmental policies on the data protection of the individual. Workers Rights in Dubai: Infringement of human rights Workers Rights in Dubai: Infringement of human rights Issue: There are worse condition of workers and infringement of human rights in Dubai. Background: According to a survey report the main and important issues are the worse treatment with the workers, violation of the rights of workers/labours in Dubai. Some human rights organizations of Dubai have complained about infringement of human rights and, consideration of workers as slaves and problem of payment of recruitment fee. In 60 years Dubai has become a cosmopolitan city from fishing village and growing to become a worldwide city .In past Dubaiââ¬â¢s economy was based on oil industry now it is generating its revenue highly from tourism, real states and financial transactions (Buckley 2012). In Dubai human rights are based on the enacted law, in which it is mentioned that all people should be treated equally apart from their race, or social status. But people of Dubai are violating the laws by not giving rights to the workers who work so hard for them honestly. Many labours or workers in the city were supposed to live in the good conditions which were illustrated by Human Rights Watch but they are forced to live in worse conditions because of their bad employers. Other bad practices they are doing with the workers that they are not giving rights to the workers to raise their voice for the sake of their own basic needs, workers are mistreated by their owners, and their lives are in miserable condition, seven to eight workers are compel to live in one room apartment and then they will be able to send money to their families, sometimes workers do not get their salaries at the end of the month, workers are not allowed to switch their jobs if they do so they can lose their job, workers are bound to work excessively , workers often work from day till night with no days off to rest so that they are not be able to have relaxation time, workers get insufficient food, some workers are threatened by their owners(some employers threat their workers if they do not listen to them they will kill them) , premature termination is also a big problems faced by workers because there is no job security for the workers (Smith 2010). These problems have increased a lot and it is become important to take some significant steps and serious action for the protection of the worker rights. Analysis: Injustices in Dubai with the labours have attracted the attention of many Human Rights groups, and these groups have tried to convince the Dubai Government to take important steps for the workersââ¬â¢ rights and also allow them to form the labour union. But the Government of Dubai has refuted all the allegations regarding to the labour injustice or the violation of human rights and said that the Human Rights Watchââ¬â¢s allegations were totally misguided (Connell et al 2009). In the end of March 2006 the Government hence allow taking steps for the construction of labour union and then allow forming labour union. In September 2005 Labour Minister instructed one company to pay unpaid salaries of the workers in 24 hours after 24 hours workers protested and they published the name of felonious company. In 2013 the Government finally reform new labour regulations with the help of Labour Ministry for the workers. In which it is stated that the employer or owner is not allowed to impose work on the worker or labour unless or until his/she has been agreed upon, and the owner is also banned to give difficult and dangerous task to the employee that can threaten the safety, health and dignity and honour of the worker, new rules also stated that employers have to pay the workersââ¬â¢ salary at the end of each month some additional benefits in the form of cash and cheques should also be provided to the worker, the employers are also imposed to give workers at least daily rest of nine hours per day and a day off so that workers can have relaxation time and they can enjoy their lives too, owners are not allowed to ââ¬Ërent outââ¬â¢ their workers, the regulations made by Government also stated that workers can get one month leave after giving two years of services. Regulation contains rules for workers as well that their duty is to take care of the ownersââ¬â¢ property (Obay 2009), they should keep secrets of the employer and the place where they work, they should not refuse the given task or leave the job without any valid reason and should follow the rules and regulations and should not involve in any criminal activity which can give harm. The regulations also contains strict penalties for workers and employers both who violate them or try to violate them. Employers who will not follow the rules will give 2,000 dirham as a penalty and will not allowed hiring any worker, while workers who violate the regulation will be fine 2,000 dirham and will not be allow working in Dubai. There are some advantages and disadvantages of these policies; the first advantage is that the workers are now getting their rights to work; they are having freedom of speech through which they can talk about their problem freely, they can get salaries on time, they can get incentives too, if they donââ¬â¢t get salaries on time they can protest against it and there are laws which can protect their rights, now they are no more slaves because there are rules which can protect their dignity, now workers are not compel or bound to do illegal and dangerous work which can risk their life and health, workers can enjoy their lives by utilizing their fre e time (Vora 2011). All of these rules sound good but there are some disadvantages the first and foremost disadvantage is that the Government has made many regulations to protect the worker rights but there are many people who violate those rules for the sake of their personal interests it is very necessary to monitor the behaviour of the employers with their workers, but it is difficult for the Government to keep an eye on each and every one. Decision- maker i.e. obviously a Government had made policies or regulations for the workers but they should take certain steps to the implementations of those steps first step is to aware every one about rules and regulations by giving authority to the responsible people area wise, those responsible person would conduct workshops, seminars and interact with the people and will brief them about the regulation policies and penalties of violating those regulations, Secondly involve police and ask them to take complaints seriously whether itââ¬â¢s from employer si de or from worker side, Third make area consular who can keep eye on peoplesââ¬â¢ activities and they complaint to police about the person who violate the regulation. All these three parts should have connection with each other for the betterment of the people. Recommendation: The surveys shows that still workers in Dubai are suffering from extreme exploitation problems with excessively workings hours and unpaid salaries. Although Dubai is a member of ILO i.e. International Labour Organization but they are putting their reputations are at risks because of violation of human rights laws. This means that they need to make some changes in their certain policies which they have made for the human rights or workersââ¬â¢ rights. The Dubai Government knows that it is facing some difficult issues like reforming of its policies for the human rights, which needs to acclimatize to high pays and protection of government. The Ministry of Labour should need to take some measure steps to tackle these kinds of situations and should change policies which can be easily implemented and can be abide by the organizations for the benefits of their workers. The policies which Government has made for the sake of human rights needs to be some change means it should be more practical. There is a rule that employer cannot give dangerous task to the worker that can risk workersââ¬â¢ life and workers have right to disobey the order given by the employer, this rule need some change like in this rule the government has to mentioned the criteria that which task is dangerous or risky for the worker or it can give harm on the basis of it one can follow the regulations, second rule is that owner cannot impose work on worker unless or until he/she has been ready to work this rule also need some changes in this condition again criteria is not mentioned and the workers can take bad advantage from it, there is one rule for workers is that they should take care of the employerââ¬â¢s property again criteria is not mentioned in this rule the owner can take disadvantage from this rule and can use it for the personal interest and can ask the worker to do his/her personal work which can be illegal and the worker are compel to do so. Unions and human rights organization have criticised a lot the policies failure of human rights because mostly workers are still paying recruitment fee to secure their jobs in the organizations which is a very bad example. And it is the biggest issue that there is a shockingly rise in the recruitment fees. Main construction companies of Dubai are also failed to follow rules made by the Government and are unable to protect the rights and safety of the labours or workers. The Dubai Government should take some practical steps with the Labour Ministry to reduce this problem and should try to make a good image of Dubai. Government should start to tackle the key issues like focusing on the issue of recruitment fees, payment of wages, workersââ¬â¢ basic health problems, and workersââ¬â¢ staying problems because seven-eight workers live in one room apartment. For handling all these major issues which is not good for cosmopolitan city like Dubaiââ¬â¢s image. Government should need to create better incentive programs for the workers that can benefit them, government should make a ââ¬Ëwage councilââ¬â¢ for reviewing the pay from national level to the market level, they should trained their workers by conducting different workshops and arranging seminars and make it compulsory to al l the organizations to make their workers to attend those workshops and seminars so that it can benefit to workers as well as to the organization, the Government should establish a commission which duty is to investigate the complaints about the worst condition of the workers in the city, disallow the companies to do business with recruitment agencies, who charge fees from workers for employment contract, government should make law to investigate those companies who involve in violating the labour law, there should be a committee who can have the qualitative and quantitative data of workersââ¬â¢ riots, injuries and deaths at working place so that government can take some serious actions to deal and address those issues and can have contingency plan to deal with issues like them, government should significantly increase the inspectors who can be responsible for supervising the behaviour of the employers with the workers or labours, there should be another committee whose duty is t o educate and inform the new workers about their rights under the law made by government. These are few recommendations which can suited to deal this problem and can be helpful to resolve this problem hopefully. Dubai has made an impressive progress during six decades, and it is also progressing in particular areas like improvement in the rights for children, improvement in the living standard, improvement in education, with all those improvement it needs to work hard on itââ¬â¢s one sector specially that is Improvement in the law of Workersââ¬â¢ Right and implementation of the laws of workerââ¬â¢s right laws. Although itââ¬â¢s a tough task to make improvement in this sector suddenly, but gradually improvement can be seen by working honestly on it and by abiding and implementation of the rules and regulations made by government and the labour ministry References: Abdella, A. (2009). Global Dubai, particular challenges ahead. Retrieved from Buckley, M. (2012). From Kerala to Dubai and back again: construction migrants and the global economic crisis.Geoforum,43(2), 250-259. Retrieved from Buckley, M. (2013). Locating neoliberalism in Dubai: Migrant workers and class struggle in the autocratic city.Antipode,45(2), 256-274. Retrieved from;jsessionid=5D1E68EA13553F82BE05F0F498AF0005.f02t01?deniedAccessCustomisedMessage=userIsAuthenticated=false Caplin, J. (2009). Mirage in the Desert Oasis.Harvard International Review. Cambridge,30(4). Retrieved from Connell, J., Burgess, J. (2009). Migrant workers, migrant work, public policy and human resource management.International Journal of Manpower,30(5), 412-421. Retrieved from Obay, L. A. (2009). Corporate Governance Business Ethics: A Dubai-Based Survey.Journal of Legal, Ethical Regulatory Issues,12(2). Retrieved from Smith, B. (2010). Scared by, of, in, and for Dubai.Social Cultural Geography,11(3), 263-283. Retrieved from Vora, N. (2011). Unofficial citizens: Indian entrepreneurs and the state-effect in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.International Labor and Working Class History,79(1), 122-122. Retrieved from;jsessionid=A963D95F73B00A05F525F7C18197A8F5.journals?fromPage=onlineaid=8275495
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